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Part 1 of a 4-Part series of talks given to Ugandan seminarians on the gift of sexuality. Part 1 covers general Church teaching regarding sexuality, and teaching regarding homosexuality in particular, as laid out by Scripture, Natural Law, and the Catechism.
Part 2a of a 4-Part Series of talks given to Ugandan Seminarians on the gift of sexuality. Part 2a covers Western cultural challenges, as well as the strengths and challenges of African cultures pertaining to sexuality.
Part 2b of a 4-Part Series given by Professor Smith regarding the gift of sexuality as well as Church teaching on homosexuality. Part 2b primarily focuses on pertinent real-life stories.
Part 3 of the 4-Part Series on the gift of sexuality by Professor Smith. Part 3 focuses primarily on the typical patterns of real-life experiences of homosexuality, the compassionate response to homosexuality, and Catholic organizations concerned with ministry to people who experience same-sex attraction.
Part 4 of this series covers general challenges and concerns in effectively ministering to those with same-sex attraction, as well as recommendations for homilies, outreach, and new initiatives.

Professor Smith’s Published Articles on the Uganda Experience:

(16TH FEB 2024 TO 5TH MARCH 2024)

Q 1: Given what you say about the origins of same-sex attractions, do you think it would be wise for those who minister to such persons, to utilize deliverance prayers?

A: Yes, I certainly do: it would be best if a priest can assess and counsel the person.  All sexual sin can serve as an entry point for the demonic into a person’s system, and even more so, for perverse or unnatural sin. This is true even for persons who have not consented to the sin but are victims of abuse.  For much sexual sin, the “deliverance” powers of the absolution provided in confession is sufficient but sometimes more specific prayers are necessary.

Q 2: Why should predator homosexuals be forgiven? Isn’t their sin an abomination? Didn’t Jesus act with righteous indignation against terrible sinners?

A: Jesus made it clear that all sins (except that against the Holy Spirit) can be forgiven.